
Console Weather App | Tweet

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Console Weather Logo subject to copyright. © Degamisu, Emi Yamashita.


This app is a console-based weather app. You can choose between 2 options for location. You can Specify the location, or you can automatically find the location based off of GPS tracking. This is a very fast and reliable service that is being updated frequently.

Important Information

The Legacy version of CWA is available here. It has the following:

This app contains a secret code to function properly. In some parts of the code, a variable named {GH_TOKEN} is created. However, if you use Codespaces, you must provide your own secret code for the scripts to work. (eg, build_and_release.yml - Github Actions)

There is a wiki! you can find this in the wiki tab. The tab includes:


[!NOTE] For more details in security, go to SECURITY

Privacy is a top concern for users, especially when it comes to applications that involve location tracking. Rest assured, the Console Weather App prioritizes user privacy and follows these principles:

It’s important to note that the safety of the app depends on its usage and commitment to the official repository. If you ever fork the project, please review the code to ensure its safety.

Still unsure? You may check the code for yourself. Any comments and concerns can be in the Discussions tab or Issues tab. Any vulnerabilities that arise may go into the Issues tab.


This app gets its weather data with:

Making this app very fast and reliable.

Installation (with source AutoInstall)

To make it easier to build, I created a script that does all the building for you. The file is called AutoInstall. This makes the build process faster, but there are a few disadvantages

Installation (with source)


Download Source Code To install the source code, run this command in any terminal: ```bash mkdir Console-Weather-App-Source && cd Console-Weather-App-Source && gh repo clone Degamisu/Console-Weather-App && cd Console-Weather-App ``` This should download the source
Install Dependencies This is the install command to install necissary dependencies. ```bash pip install -r requirements.txt ``` **THIS IS CRUCIAL** to the installation of CWA.

The next part can be done in 2 ways

Build the executable __This requires `pyinstaller` to build, which is installed under the `Install Dependencies` dropdown__ --- To build, run this into your bash console ```bash pyinstaller --onefile ```
Run directly This is the easiest way through, skipping the building part. However, it would be harder to transport. --- **Python** ```bash cd dist && python ``` **Python3** ```bash cd dist && python3 ./ ```

This section is optional.

Cleanup To clean up build artifacts (under /build), run this script: ```bash rm -r build ```


Have an idea for CWA? Contributing will be open soon. For now, you can open issues!


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Is this readme missing something? If so, shoot a pull request! I will review it ASAP!

© 2024 Degamisu All Rights Reserved README Created by Emi Yamashita